Keynote speaker: Denise Montell, UC Santa Barbara

Society for Developmental Biology
West Coast Regional Meeting 2023

August 24-27, 2023
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Final registration deadline: August 10
Abstracts for posters will be accepted until August 11
Tentative schedule here
Andrew Muroyama, UCSD
Crystal Rogers, UC Davis
Neelima Sinha, UC Davis
Angelike Stathopolous, Caltech
Sebastian Streichan, UCSB
Ian Swinburne, UC Berkeley
Katie Thompson-Peer, UC Irvine
Session chairs and invited speakers
Raul Diaz, Cal State LA
D'Juan Farmer, UCLA
Lauren Goins, Stanford
Yishi Jin, UCSD
Jiae Lee, Cal State Long Beach
Francesca Mariani, USC
Kelly McDonald, Sacramento State
--Additional talks to be chosen from abstracts--
--Travel awards for trainee presentations--
Jeff Long, UCLA
Kim Mulligan, Sacramento State
Alvaro Sagasti, UCLA

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