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2-24-11 Guest Speaker: Dr. Michele Evans--Invitro Fertilization and Genetic Testing

Tuskegee students join the class for Dr. Michele Evan's lecture.
Tuskegee students join the class for Dr. Michele Evan's lecture.
Students look on to their counterparts at UC Davis.
Students look on to their counterparts at UC Davis.

Dr. Evans begins her lecture on Invitro Ferilization and genetic testing.
Dr. Evans begins her lecture on Invitro Ferilization and genetic testing.
Dr. Evans in action.
Dr. Evans in action.
Brandon and Eden perform Dr. Evan's skit in class.
Brandon and Eden perform Dr. Evan's skit in class.
Brandon playing the expecting father receives thorough assessment by Dr. Evans.
Brandon playing the expecting father receives thorough assessment by Dr. Evans.

Anthony participates class discussion.
Anthony participates class discussion.
Antonio asks Dr. Evans questions regarding her IVF.
Antonio asks Dr. Evans questions regarding her IVF.

Helen takes the mic and participates in class discussion.
Helen takes the mic and participates in class discussion.
Dr. Evans takes in-class survey as students input their answer on their iClicker.
Dr. Evans takes in-class survey as students input their answer on their iClicker.
Students eager to ask Dr. Evans lots of questions.
Students eager to ask Dr. Evans lots of questions.
Dr. Evan's lecture elicit active student participation.
Dr. Evan's lecture elicit active student participation.

Dr. Goldberg and Krista continues with discussion.
Dr. Goldberg and Krista continues with discussion.
Jonathan asks Dr. Evans questions during her lecture.
Jonathan asks Dr. Evans questions during her lecture.

Aaron takes his turn with the mic.
Aaron takes his turn with the mic.
Hanbee engages in class discussion.
Hanbee engages in class discussion.
Sonni takes front and center and asks intuitive questions for Dr. Evans.
Sonni takes front and center and asks intuitive questions for Dr. Evans.
Samuel joins the debate with vigor.
Samuel joins the debate with vigor.