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2/22/11 - Tuskegee University Students Visit to UCLA--First Lecture

Tuskegee students: Antonio, Oyejare, Eze, and Sonni - first class at UCLA.
Tuskegee students: Antonio, Oyejare, Eze, and Sonni - first class at UCLA.
Jamie's little brother joins our guest list for lecture.
Jamie's little brother joins our guest list for lecture.
Tuskegee students with their lecture slides.
Tuskegee students with their lecture slides.
Antonio taking notes as lecture continues.
Antonio taking notes as lecture continues.

Students show a raise of hands to a question posed by Dr. Harada.
Students show a raise of hands to a question posed by Dr. Harada.

Sonni takes the mic and participates in lecture discussion.
Sonni takes the mic and participates in lecture discussion.
Dr. Harada lecturing from UC Davis.
Dr. Harada lecturing from UC Davis.

Ryan continues the discussion in class.
Ryan continues the discussion in class.
Vaspour called to the board by Dr. Harada.
Vaspour called to the board by Dr. Harada.

Dr. Harada in action.
Dr. Harada in action.
Antonio joins class discussion.
Antonio joins class discussion.
Tuskegee students with their UCLA hosts: Vaspour, Pauline, Hanbee, Brennan, and Christian.
Tuskegee students with their UCLA hosts: Vaspour, Pauline, Hanbee, Brennan, and Christian.